The Department of Education has recently begun their standard 5-year review of the Home Education Policy. The Home Education Policy includes background information and the required procedures for Department employees, and can be downloaded from the WA Department of Education website.

Moderators are obliged to follow the Home Education Policy, however it is the School Education Act 1999 that home-based families need to keep uppermost in their minds when undergoing moderation.

The most relevant section for home educators is Section 6, page 66. Click here to download a copy. Section 53.2(a) Cancelling s.48 Registration, gives the Department of Education and Moderators the authority to assess progress against the current WA Curriculum.

As part of the initial consultation phase of the review process, the Department recently conducted workshops at the South Metropolitan and North Metropolitan Education Offices.

This year, for the first time, both HEWA and individual members of the Home Ed community were invited to be part of the process. This is a huge step forward. Following the workshops, the Department sent emails seeking feedback from all current Home Educating families via an online anonymous survey.

Issues HEWA raised at both workshops include:

Further information about the South Metro meeting can be found on HEWA’s News page. If you are interested in being involved in these types of meetings/workshops you could join the HEWA Committee as a general member. We currently have positions available, and if you would like more information, please contact:

If there are any additional issues that you would like to have raised as part of the next phase, please email:

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