Your membership is vital to helping us advocate for home education rights and recognition that benefit the entire all homeschoolers.

Parent Workshops
Our parent workshops will help you get started and navigate your home education journey with less stress and more confidence.

Our membership offers discounts to all student classes and events run by HEWA.

Resource Database
Our resource database offers hundreds of resources in an easy-to-search format saving you heaps of time!
“There isn’t a right way to become educated;
there are as many ways as there are fingerprints.”
– John Taylor Gatto –

Home Education Classes
HEWA supports a number of community groups that run regular classes and activities for home-educated students.
LEAP (Learn, Education and Play) is a program of weekly classes currently held on Thursdays during school terms.
LEAP is a fun and welcoming environment for both students and parents to make new friends.
Classes cater for primary and high-school students and are inclusive, hands-on, and linked to the WA Curriculum.

“A child’s desire to learn is a light that shines from some inner part of his or her being. As adults, we are guardians of that light.”
– Laura Grace Weldon –