Government Student Services


Scootle is a web-based resource bank that provides access to digital teaching and learning content published by Education Services Australia (ESA). While they are registered home educators, parents may request access to Scootle by emailing

Dental Services

Home-educated students are entitled to access the school medical service and the school dental service provided by the Department of Health. Local public schools can provide the telephone number of the school nurse and the school dentist for appointments. Evidence of registration will be needed at the appointment.

Use this link to locate a clinic close to you, then telephone the school dentist for an appointment:

Student Travel Permits – SmartRider Cards

Students registered for home education are eligible for student travel permits (known as a ‘SmartRider’ card from April 2005) which provide student concessions on public transport. These permits are made available by the Department of Transport.

If you wish your child to be issued with a Student SmartRider you should contact a Transperth Information Office. You will need to provide student information and proof that you are registered as the child’s home educator. A fee of $5.00 is made for the purchase of the card.

To download an application form, use this link:

Swimming Classes

Home-educated students of primary school age are entitled to access in-term swimming classes by arrangement through the local public primary school (for metropolitan students) and through the local education regional office (for country students).
For further information please contact VacSwim on 9402 6195 or use this link:

Student allowances – Secondary Assistance Scheme (SAS)

The Secondary Assistance Scheme is intended to provide assistance to secondary students in meeting the costs of books and uniforms and includes eligible home-educated students. To be eligible for the allowance the parent/guardian must hold a Centrelink Family Health Care Card, a Centrelink Pensioner Concession Card or a Veterans’ Affairs Pensioner Concession card that represents a statement of income for the family.  The student must be registered for home education at an education office.

The allowance consists of two components:

  • $115 Clothing Allowance paid directly to the parent/guardian.
  • $235 Educational Program Allowance paid directly to the parent/guardian.

Application is made by the parent or guardian for student/s registered for study in the secondary years. Application forms are available from education offices. Applications must be received by the Schools Resourcing Branch (08 9264 4516) by the last day of term 1 of the current school year.

Tax Benefits

Any tax or Centrelink benefits available for school students are also available for home-educated students.

Learning at Home

Education Department resources and information to support learning and wellbeing in the home.