Recently, a number of home-educating families expressed concern that moderators were saying they were required to complete the moderator report template prior to their moderator meeting. HEWA sought clarification from the Department of Education.

We were informed that during Covid restrictions in 2020, some moderators started sending the templates to home educators to guide discussions. Some moderators provided the template as an agenda of sorts, others asked home educators to write in dot points, and others asked home educators to fill in the template entirely and return it before the meeting.

Some moderators have continued these practices as they feel it enables more in-depth conversation to occur, however, the Department of Education advised that “there is no requirement for families to complete the report template. It is the responsibility of the home education moderator to complete the report after the visit and, after obtaining appropriate approval, forward it to the family. Providing home educators a copy of the report template is in no way meant to imply that the educator will be completing the report on behalf of the moderator.” 

One Response

  1. Thanks for this clarification.
    Being a newbie to homeschooling we need all the right info for a smooth transition without judgement to why we chose to homeschool.

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