HEWA Events and Workshops

Public Liability insurance is provided by HBLN and covers accidents, property damage and breach of duty of care which has occurred as a result of negligence on the part of an organiser(s) or volunteer(s).  It does not cover personal accident or professional indemnity insurance.  

Users of our services understand that HBLN, its members, volunteers and parent organisers cannot be held liable for any accidents or injuries sustained by the child in the normal course of activities, provided that all due care has been taken.  Users also agree to abide by the HBLN Code of Conduct and the HBLN Event Policies and Procedures.  To view these click on the links below:

HBLN Code of Conduct

HBLN Policies for Event Participants

Refund Policy

As we are a not for profit organisation, all activities are run so that they cover the cost of the venue, instructors and consumables.  As a result of this there is no refund for change of mind, missed events or classes, as instructors, presenters and the venue still need be paid.  If an event or class is cancelled due to instructor/presenter illness or unavailability of the venue then the cost of that event/class will be refunded.

Note if classes/events are cancelled due to COVID-19 safety concerns then only 50% of the fee for the cancelled class/event will be refunded to families.  The remaining 50% will be used to cover the cost of the venue, instructors and consumables.

COVID-19 Conditions of Attendance

  • parents and children will not attend if they are unwell
  • parents/guardians will be required to sign the weekly/event attendance record and confirm that they have not been exposed to COVID-19 or returned from overseas within the last 14 days.
  • resources will not be shared during the class/event, each child must bring their own equipment (pens, pencils, scissors etc) including drink bottles
  • hand sanitiser will be provided in each class and children must use this on entry and exit from the class, after using the toilet, coughing or sneezing
  • adults and children will maintain the 1.5m physical distancing requirement
  • parents will ensure that their children understand these conditions and the importance of following them
  • all families and volunteers will follow both state and federal government guidelines with regard to notification and testing for COVID-19. Helpline contact details for suspected/confirmed COVID-19 infection is 13 268 43.  Families should then notify the group organiser, who will immediately notify the HEWA Coordinator.  All parties will follow the recommendations/guidelines provided by the COVID-19 Helpline and WA health authorities.