LEAP (Learn, Educate & Play)

Unfortunately, LEAP (Learn, Educate & Play) is a program will not be running in 2025.

Past Incursion Days

Unfortunately, LEAP (Learn, Educate & Play) is a program will not be running in 2025.

LEAP (Learn, Educate & Play) is a program offered by Home Education WA for home-educated students.

For many years it was running as weekly classes in East Victoria Park. Covid-19 forced a suspension of LEAP and since late 2022, due to volunteer availability and instructor availability, the weekly format has been replaced with regular standalone incursion days and excursions.

At this stage, they will always be on Thursdays, and we aim to have at least 1 day a month from February to November. 

In July 2023 our Incursion days were held at Yangebup Community Centre, Yangebup and with a playgroup as well. 


Incursion days will consist of standalone workshops aimed at a set age group. Each workshop is usually between 60-90 mins in length.

Age groups are: Kindy-Yrs 2, Yrs 3-6, and Yrs 7-9.

Each group usually has a maximum of 24 students.

Parents are welcome to accompany their child into the workshop or wait in the hall, or join us in the children’s activity area for a cuppa.  

As each incursion day is confirmed with providers a booking link will be provided here, on our social media platforms, and in our subscriber emails.  

Homeschool Playgroup

Home Education WA is very excited to be starting a Homeschool Playgroup to run alongside our incursion days. 

Playgroup will run from 9:30-13:30 for children 0-6 years. 

Free play indoors and in the playground, which is an enclosed courtyard. 

10:15-10:45 Storytime/Rhyme 

11:30-12:00 Music and movement

12:45-13:30 Craft/Activity

Cost is $7.50/pp


The enrolment form must be completed by the child’s own parent or guardian. You can nominate someone to bring your child on your behalf.

Incursion days are advertised several weeks ahead, with the closing date around 2 weeks before the incursion date. This is to allow plenty of time for providers and HEWA volunteers to prepare.  

The cost will depend on how many workshops/activities are on offer for each group and the cost of the providers. Current HEWA members will get a discount.


As this group is not for profit all activities are run so that they cover the cost of the venue, instructors, consumables, and insurance.  As a result of this, there is no refund for missed incursions as providers and the venues still need to be paid. If a class is cancelled due to the instructor’s illness or unavailability of the venue then the fee for that class will be refunded. 

Children writing

Semester 1- Leisurelife Centre, East Victoria Park

Children with teacher

Semester 2 - Yangebup Community Centre, Yangebup

21st September

  • Planning still under way  – Bookings not yet open. 

Kindy-Yr 2 – Little Genius Science “Coral reef”

Yrs 3-6 – Little Genius Science “Coral reef”

Yrs 7-9 – Murdoch Uni: “Rube Goldberg challenge” (simple machines) 

19th October

  • Planning still under way  – Bookings not yet open.

Kindy-Yr 2 – James Hancox “An utterly rubbish adventure” interactive show
Yrs 3-6 – James Hancox “Puppetry and theatre” workshop 
Yrs 3-6 – Nearer to Nature “Saving Threatened Species” 
Yrs 7-9 – Gold Industry: STEM 
Yrs 7-9 – Nearer to Nature “Saving Threatened Species”

23rd November

  • Planning still under way  – Bookings not yet open

Kindy-Yr 2 – Little Genius Science “Hydraulics”
Yrs 3-6 – Little Genius Science “Hydraulics”
Yrs 3-6 – Dr. Rina Fu “Microbes in action”
Yrs 7-9 – Dr. Rina Fu “Microscopic world in us”

23rd February

23rd March

18th May

1st June

29th June